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We host a large variety of events throughout the academic year, including:

  • Weekly Snack & Chat meetings

  • Women of Color Journal Club

  • Speaker seminars

  • Discussion groups

  • Visiting speaker chats

  • Socials

  • Workshops

  • Outreach visits

Learn more about each type of event and how to get involved by clicking on the left. ​

Snack and Chats

There's nothing like getting together with a group of people and hearing what's going on in STEM diversity, all while sipping coffee and tea and munching on snacks. Join us to get back in the swing of things and hear the latest happenings. 

Speaker Seminars

It's important to hear about research in gender studies, STEM diversity, and maybe just about some cool research a role model is doing. Beginning in 2017, we're trying to bring in an outside speaker for some new insights once a quarter. 

Discussion Groups

Sometimes something needs to change. In order to bring that about, we facilitate discussion groups to help address issues or to simply understand how to deal with them best. These meetings are not regular as they surround current events and developments.


Ever wonder what it is like to be a researcher and a woman? To give us all a better understanding of the many roads we can travel in our careers, WiPA hosts coffee chats with our female colloquium speakers to give a round table discussion of the hurdles and successes of being a woman in astro or physics. 


Getting to know the other people  in the program can be tough. To help introductions, WiPA hosts a dinner once a year to bring everyone together. 


In addition, we host social hours with SPS for the mentoring program. This brings together not only mentors and mentees, but also gives everyone a chance to make connections. 


One of the most important ways to encourage entrance into STEM programs is engaging students with activities and real scientists. To show students how exciting physics and astrophysics can be, WiPA is participates in various outreach programs for local middle school and high school students.

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